Monday, March 3, 2014

{where God guides, God provides.}

{the aforementioned trip to Kentucky was a success...}

Kelsey, myself, Coach Wolber, and Coach Stine left Calvary on Thursday afternoon right after 6th period. The four of us had a great time on the ride over. Well, Kelsey and I did anyway.

We arrived late on Thursday night and were greeted by the lovely Heather Stacy (the greatest admissions counselor of all time). Kelsey and I were given a dorm room to ourselves, which was such a blessing.

{blurry, but, we're cool}

On Friday morning, we attended and Anatomy and Physiology class because Kelsey is a Bio major. I tagged along because there weren't any Education classes at the same time. It was actually kind of cool (we learned about the ear) and of course, Kelsey already knew it all, hahaha. (love you Kels). Then we took a tour of the campus, in which our tour-guide thought that Coach Wolber and Coach Stine were our respective mothers. {hilarious} After which, we met with Heather and proceeded to have lunch with the soccer and softball coach. 

{lunch was awesome...}

I sat with Coach Joshua Miller (and Coach Stine) and some of the soccer players were there as well as the soccer mom for the women's side, while Kelsey sat with the softball coach who is also Coach Miller (no relation) and Coach Wolber.  About halfway through lunch, Kelsey left to go to her workout and I stayed behind with Stine to continue my conversation. Coach Miller and I really hit it off. They have a great program on the women's side and the team is just like a family. I had the opportunity to meet some of the girls on the team and they were all so sweet and welcoming. While Kelsey was at her workout and Coach Stine was working, I hung out with Coach Miller and helped him get some paperwork ready for his brother, who coaches the men's side, because he was going to a showcase. Later he had me take a reaction test to see how good my theory soccer is and how fast I can make decisions. I ended up doing better than most of the girls on the team! Coach Miller and I also went down to the pitch so he could show me around. 

{the multi-purpose turf field.}

while we were there, the regional basketball tournament was going on...

{so Friday night we went to the games...}

{the crew.}

{go KCU!!}

{the Girl's won the tournament.}

Saturday morning I had my tryout...
I was so nervous you wouldn't even believe it.
Coach Miller put me a series of exercises and drills (most of which I have never done before) and I caught on pretty quickly. Because of my nerves and it being the off-season, I didn't do quite as spectacular as I had hoped, but I still did well. The whole experience was such a blessing and a great opportunity. 

{other stuff...}
Aside from sports, I really liked the school. Each student gets a duel degree in Bible and whatever major they pursue, in my case, Secondary Ed. English. Every person we met on campus from Heather to Ron Arnett (the girl's basketball coach) to the president of the college was so nice and welcoming. Kentucky Christian University is a definite possibility.

{all in all...}
I loved every minute of our trip, from chickie on the way down, to Coach Wolber basically singing us to sleep on the way home. It was a blast, and I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. 

Thank you so much for all of your prayers! Please continue to pray that I would follow the Lord's calling on my life and go where he guides me.


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